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Англо-русский политический словарь - acute


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сильный; острый

acute crisis

acute food shortages

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См. в других словарях

  1) острый; остроугольный2) высокий (о звуке) ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  adj.  1) острый acute angle - острый угол  2) острый, сильный acute eyesight - острое зрение acute pain - острая боль  3) проницательный, сообразительный  4) пронзительный, высокий (о звуке) Syn: see crucial ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. акут, акутовое ударение; ударение, обозначенное диакритическим знаком (') 2. острый acute angle —- острый угол acute point —- с-х. острый наконечник 3. острый; проницательный acute mind —- острый ум acute observer —- тонкий наблюдатель acute man —- проницательный человек 4. острый, тонкий (о слухе и т. п.) acute sense of smell —- тонкое обоняние acute eyesight —- острое зрение 5. сильный, резкий (об ощущениях) acute pain —- острая боль acute pleasure —- острое наслаждение acute jealousy —- жгучая ревность 6. крайний; решающий, критический acute shortage —- острая нехватка acute distress —- крайняя нужда 7. резкий, высокий, пронзительный (о звуке) 8. мед. острый acute gastritis —- острый гастрит acute alcoholism —- мед. острое опьянение; отравление алкоголем 9. акутовый, обозначенный диакритическим знаком (') acute accent —- акут, акутовое ударение; значок ударения, диакритический знак (') ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  острый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) острый (угол, ум) 2) проницательный 3) сильный, резкий - acute crisis ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. (acuter, acutest) 1 (of sensation or senses) keen, penetrating. 2 shrewd, perceptive (an acute critic). 3 (of a disease) coming sharply to a crisis; severe, not chronic. 4 (of a difficulty or controversy) critical, serious. 5 a (of an angle) less than 90°. b sharp, pointed. 6 (of a sound) high, shrill. --n. = acute accent. Phrases and idioms acute accent a mark ( Usage ) placed over letters in some languages to show quality, vowel length, pronunciation (e.g. mat{eacute}), etc. acute rheumatism Med. = rheumatic fever. Derivatives acutely adv. acuteness n. Etymology: L acutus past part. of acuere sharpen f. acus needle ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin acutus, past participle of acuere to sharpen, from acus needle; akin to Latin acer sharp — more at edge  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) characterized by sharpness or severity ~ pain  (2) having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course ~ disease  (3) being, providing, or requiring short-term medical care (as for serious illness or traumatic injury) ~ hospitals an ~ patient  b. lasting a short time ~ experiments  2. ending in a sharp point: as  a. being or forming an angle measuring less than 90 degrees an ~ angle  b. composed of ~ angles an ~ triangle  3.  a. of an accent mark having the form ?  b. marked with an ~ accent  c. of the variety indicated by an ~ accent  4.  a. marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception especially of subtle distinctions ; penetrating an ~ thinker  b. responsive to slight impressions or stimuli ~ hearing  5. felt, perceived, or experienced intensely ~ distress  6. seriously demanding urgent attention an ~ emergency  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, critical, crucial mean of uncertain outcome. ~ stresses intensification of conditions leading to a culmination or breaking point an ~ housing shortage. critical adds to ~ implications of imminent change, of attendant suspense, and of decisiveness in the outcome the war has entered a critical phase. crucial suggests a dividing of the ways and often a test or trial involving the determination of a future course or direction a crucial vote.  Synonym: see in addition sharp. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense. The report has caused acute embarrassment to the government... The labour shortage is becoming acute. = severe ADJ 2. An acute illness is one that becomes severe very quickly but does not last very long. Compare chronic. (MEDICAL) ...a patient with acute rheumatoid arthritis. ADJ: ADJ n 3. If a person’s or animal’s sight, hearing, or sense of smell is acute, it is sensitive and powerful. In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute. = keen ADJ 4. An acute angle is less than 90°. Compare obtuse angle. ADJ 5. An acute accent is a symbol that is placed over vowels in some languages in order to indicate how that vowel is pronounced or over one letter in a word to indicate where it is stressed. You refer to a letter with this accent as, for example, e acute. For example, there is an acute accent over the letter ‘e’ in the French word ‘cafe’. ADJ: ADJ n, n ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »SITUATION/FEELING ETC« very serious or severe  (an acute shortage of water | acute embarrassment) 2 »PAIN« very severe and sharp 3 ~ hearing/~ sense of smell etc an ability to hear or smell things that is very sensitive, so that you are able to notice small differences 4 »INTELLIGENT« quick to notice things and able to think clearly and intelligently ~ understanding/analysis/observations  (Her book is an acute analysis of Middle Eastern history.) ~ observer  (De Tocqueville was an acute observer of American ways.) 5 »MEDICAL« technical an acute illness or disease quickly becomes dangerous  (acute tuberculosis)  (- compare chronic (1)) 6 »MATHEMATICS« technical an ~ angle is one that is less than 90 7 »PRONUNCIATION MARK« an ~ accent (=a mark used to show pronunciation) is the small mark put over a letter, such as й in French  (- compare grave3, circumflex) - ~ness n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from L. actus "sharp, pointed," pp. of acuere "sharpen" (related to acus "needle"), from PIE *ak- "sharp." Originally a medical word for a fever that comes and goes quickly (rather than a chronic one); meaning broadened 1570 to any sense of "sharp." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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